Trees That Thrive in the Hudson Valley
/At Victoria Gardens, we seek out, stock, and plant trees that both stand out and thrive in our region.
We have a Seven Sons Flower tree planted outside our nursery and garden center, so we have a front row seat to all 3 seasons of it's unique showy features.
Heptacodium miconioides (seven sons flower) zones: 5-9
This plant matures to be a large, multi-stem shrub (or small tree—depending on your perspective) with peeling bark. White, jasmine-like flowers bloom in late summer, but the real show happens once those flowers fall off. In September, the sepal (the flower structure that remains) turns a vibrant red and looks like it's blooming all over again! Thrives in full sun to part shade. Grows 12 to 15 feet tall.
Seven Sons buds
Seven sons Flowers
Seven Sons sepals
Following flowering, the sepals at the base of the flowers not only persist, but also continue to elongate and turn bright red as the seeds mature.
Seven son planted in front of Victoria Gardens in Rosendale
Betula nigra (river birch) zones: 4-9
Betula nigra, otherwise known as river birch is a native tree that thrives in the Hudson Valley, even in in damp spots, lakeside or creekside, or areas that occasionally flood. It's also one of our best selling trees. 40' high and 25' wide as mature trees, multistem or single stem trees offer shade for a yard without towering over your house.
Mature river Birch Bark
River Birch
River Birch
Mini River Birch
The smaller mini river birch, a multi-branched tree only grows 10′ tall and 12′ wide, making it ideal for small spaces.
Mini River Birch
Young river birch bark is smooth and spotted, but as the trees mature the bark lightens in color and peels with a papery texture.
Young river birch bark
Mature River Birch Bark