Why House Plants? The Benefits House Plants Offer

Why House Plants?

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House plants offer these benefits:

  • Capture carbon dioxide and increase oxygen levels in the air. 

  • Increased oxygenation can improve your mood, energy, and mental focus.

  • Absorb toxic substances that out-gas from man-made materials like formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene.

  • Increases humidity by releasing water vapor into the air (helping dry skin and respiratory function).

  • Humans react to nature, feeling calmer, more content, and more grounded. Houseplants bring nature inside and offer humans that grounded feeling.

  • The methodical and meditative act of caring for your plants can help decrease stress and anxiety.

For all the benefits house plants deliver, they are remarkably easy to care for if you match the right plants to the conditions of your home.
