Why fall is the perfect time to plant: 

Why fall is the perfect time to plant: 

1. Cooler air temperatures means natural moisture is more available (less watering).

2. Trees and shrubs have faster and more substantial root establishment in the autumn.                   

3. Roots continue to grow (even after deciduous plants have dropped their leaves) until the ground temperature falls to 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Cool weather is easy on gardeners. Let’s face it, it’s much easier to dig those holes on a seventy degree day in September, than a ninety degree day in August.

5. You will be rewarded in the spring with bigger and healthier plants! 


At Victoria Gardens, we speak the language of plants.

At Victoria Gardens, we find the best growers, we take vigilant care of our plants, and we continue to stock fresh, healthy plants throughout the fall. We stay open later in the season than most nurseries (because of our busy landscaping division, we continue to plant until the ground temperatures fall below 41 degrees Fahrenheit), which means we will have a wide and healthy selection through mid-November. And, yes! We ourselves are planting right up until Thanksgiving*, weather permitting. Not only that, but our staff is helpful and knowledgeable, and we will always take your plants to the parking lot and help you load.